Formal UGG-NCR meetings for this season follows our traditional approach of being convened on the fourth Tuesday of each month, with the exception of December where there we will not be any meeting. Meetings will also be suspended for the summer months of June, July and August. Start time is 7:30 PM (Eastern) unless otherwise noted.
Since the start of January 2020, the UGG-NCR’s formal monthly meetings have been delivered as on-line “Webinars” rather than in-person presentations / discussions.
“Scotland’s Ukrainians – their story” by Dr. Petro Kormylo
This presentation is based on Petro Kormylo’s book “Scotland’s Ukrainians: Their Story” published in 2022. The book is the result of Petro’s PhD thesis which he completed during his first years of retirement. This presentation discusses the various waves of Ukrainian immigration to Scotland, their community institutions & activities throughout the years, as well as integration into Scottish Society.
The author has spent a lifetime participating in the social, cultural and political life of the Ukrainian Diaspora of the United Kingdom, but particularly that of Scotland. The topic of Scotland’s Ukrainian community is little-studied, and Petro’s aim is to document and preserve the memories of this community.
A video recording of Dr. Kormylo’s Webinar presentation can be found here. We also have a recording of the Introductory segment from that evening. Dr. Kormylo has kindly provided written answers to questions posed during the webinar which can be found here.
For anyone interested purchasing Dr. Kormylo’s book, please send us an email and we will provide you further details. Dr. Korylo’s doctoral thesis can be downloaded and reviewed by clicking here.
© Dr. Kormylo 2024. All rights reserved. No images or content from this presentation may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the presenter. Access to this recording is solely for educational and informational purposes.