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Who Are We?

The Ukrainian Genealogy Group – National Capital Region was founded in September, 1999. Its aims include promoting the study of genealogy and family history, as well as encouraging the preservation and transcription of relevant documents and records.

The UGG-NCR is a ‘self-help’ group dedicated to assisting those on their journey of genealogical and family history research — whether it be for distant friends or close family members. We cater to professional and hobby genealogists alike and particularly those focused on Ukrainian research, including related areas of Eastern Europe and elsewhere.

Once you start collecting material from your family and searching for more information to fill the gaps, you’ll quickly realize that there are many other people from all walks of life and of all ages who have the same or similar interests to your own. One of the reasons why Ukrainian Genealogical Group exists is to help such people get together in order to share their experiences and help each other with their problems.

Documenting your findings is strongly supported by the UGG-NCR!
As a self-help group, we urge our members to volunteer to make presentations on their research problems relating to both family history research and documenting findings — as any information including “do’s and don’ts” in research is important and saves time and effort.

As we also find that roadblocks and obstacles are often encountered simply because of the lack of a larger contextual understanding, our meetings attempt to provide relevant historical and political information. Thus, “Family History” is more than ‘genealogy’ and family historians need to know about the places their ancestors lived in; their occupations and interests; what they ate and wore; why and how they travelled, and many more aspects of their lives. The records (which throw light on these things, when you know where to find them and how to use them) are rich in information about all these aspects of your ancestors’ lives. With this material, the past – your past – our country’s past – will begin to come to life!

Research Tips,
News & Trivia

Interested in purchasing this book? See details in “Resources” > “Getting Started” > “Webinar References”

A collection of Ukrainian Family Histories can be found at “Library & Archives Canada”. Check this site for details: